Living well In The Big Easy 02-23-2020: Bulbancha's indigenous roots, music and culture with researcher Jeffrey Darensburg, and special guest co-host Baylee Badaway of the New Orleans Jazz Museum.
Jeffery Darensbourg is a resident of Bulbancha (what colonists attempted to rename "New Orleans") who originally hails from upriver in Itta Homma (what colonists attempted to rename "Baton Rouge.") He is a profesisonal librarian by training and holds a Ph.D. in cognitive science. Jeffery is of mixed Indigenous and Louisiana Creole ancestry, and is a member and tribal councilperson of the Atakapa-Ishak Nation of Indians. He is a founding coeditor of the zine and media project "Bulbancha Is Still a Place" and has appeared in various sorts of media locally and internationally. In March he begins a writing residency at Tulane's A Studio in the Woods, where he will complete a book about Indgenous cultures in Louisiana.